Assoc.Prof.Dr.Prakasit Chirappapha
Breast Clinic
مستشفى برارام 9
- General Surgery
- Surgical Oncology
- Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
- 2014 Certification Research fellowship in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy.
- 2008 Diploma Thai Sub-Board of Surgical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University.
- 2007 Diploma Thai Board of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital.
- 2001 Doctor of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University.
Current Workplace
- Breast and Endocrine Surgery Unit , Department of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand .
Academic Appointments
- 2020 – Present Associate Professor, Breast and Endocrine Surgery Unit, Department of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand .
- 2020 Assistant Professor, Breast and Endocrine Surgery Unit, Department of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand .
- 2014 Research fellowship in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, European Institute of Oncology,Milan, Italy.
- 2012 Instructor, Department of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital,Mahidol University, Thailand .
- 2010 Assistant Instructor, Department of surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand.
Major Administrative Responsibilities and Professional Societies
- 2019 — Present Vice-president of Ramathibodi Faculty Senate.
- 2016 — Present Secretariat general of Thai Breast Society Subcommittee of Basic Science in Surgery of Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand Training and Examination Subcommittee of Surgery ,Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand.
- 2015 — Present Chairperson of Fellow, Breast and endocrine surgery and Breast Surgical Oncology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University.
- 2014 — 2018 Deputy Head of the Department of Surgery Corporate Communications and Alumni Relations Department.
- 2014 — Present Academic Subcommittee of Society ,Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand.
- 2012 — Present Membership of Umberto Veronesi, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy.
- 2015 PRS Global Open 2016 Best Paper Award Winner– Best International CollaborationBronze Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 3(7):e441, July 2015 in the ASPS
Resource Center, Los Angeles Convention and Exhibition Center in Los Angeles, California Chirappapha, Prakasit MD*†; Rietjens, Mario MD*; De Lorenzi, Francesca MD, PhD*;
Andrea, Manconi MD*;Hamza, Alaa MD*; Petit, Jean-Yves MD*; Garusi, Cristina MD*; Martella, Stefano MD*; Barbieri, Benedetta MD*; Gottardi, Alessandra MD* - 2013 “Best Case Report : Silver ” award, title “Free Nipple Graft Technique to Correct Nipple and Areola Malposition after Breast Procedures” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery- GlobalOpen for calendar 2013, the ASPS Resource Center, McCormick Place West in Chicago, Illinois Rietjens M, De Lorenzi F, Andrea M, Chirappapha P, Martella S, Barbieri B, et al. (Corresponding author)
- 2007 The 3rd Award of Poster Presentation Contest, title “SENTINEL LYMPH NODE BIOPSY PERFORMED UNDER LOCAL ANASTHESIA IS APPLICABLE AND ACCURATE” on the 32ndAnnual Scientific meeting of the Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand, 27-30 July 2007
Editorial Board of the Journal
- Annals of Breast Surgery (Ann Breast Surg; ABS; online ISSN 2616-2776)
- The Thai Journal of Surgery (Thai J Surg, TJS: online ISSN 0125-6068)